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Petsafe - Wire Break Locator

Petsafe - Wire Break Locator

Regular price $49.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $49.95 AUD
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Finding a break in your pet fence boundary wire is easy with the new PetSafe® Wire Break Locator. This wire break detector helps accurately locate full wire breaks in any in-ground fence system. The wire break transmitter sends two unique tones down each side of your dog fence boundary wire. With the hand-held locator, you not only hear each tone sent by the wire break transmitter, but the red and green lights on the locator allow you to see which tone is being received. Wire breaks in the boundary wire are commonly found where the wire exits the house and enters the ground such as at wire splices, where the wires cross sidewalks or driveways, around landscaping and flower beds or in aerated lawns. When the wire break is located, use one of the included wire nuts and gel-filled capsules to repair the broken wire. We recommend repairing the breaks as you go around the boundary. Trust PetSafe® to help keep your pet healthy, safe and happy.

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Best to Locate Full Wire Breaks

This hand-held locator will help you quickly find full wire breaks in your in-ground fence system. This locator is not designed to detect partial breaks in the wire.

Where Is My Wire Break?

If you’re not sure where to look for the wire break first, here are a few locations where breaks are most commonly found.

  • Where wire crosses your driveway or sidewalk
  • Around landscaping and flower beds
  • In aerated portions of your lawn
  • The spot where wire exits your house and enters the ground
  • Places where you spliced wire together
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Petsafe - Wire Break Locator
Petsafe - Wire Break Locator
Petsafe - Wire Break Locator
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